SIGPX is a Japanese domestic study group for those interested in programming environments and their programming experience, founded in January 2016. We gather for exchanging information on state-of-the-art research and development projects relevant to programming experience. This page shows the overview of its fifth workshop.
Around 20 researchers including over half of students attended the event, introducing their latest research work. The attendees provided 15min or 10min presentations and received feedback through 3 minutes of discussions and Slack messages.
We are using the Slack team and Google Docs for fostering discussions during and even after the event. Let me know if you are interested in participation, though the primary language is Japanese.
Location: The University of Tokyo (Hongo campus)
Date: 12/3/2018 (Mon) 14:00-18:00
Topics: "International situation and information on SIGPX" and "recent research outcomes"